Indigenous Communities: How can we help?

News recently came out of British Columbia that the remains of 215 children were found buried at a former residential school. With some as young as three years old, the sadness and trauma our Indigenous community must feel, and have been feeling for a long time, cannot be put into words.

The infographics and awareness-raising posts are obviously going crazy on Instagram - which is amazing that we have such a tool to reach a wide array of demographics, especially those who do not watch the news. I understand this is important to share, but it never feels like enough to me to just repost and move on with my day, so I am going to attempt to put a resource together (this blog post) that won't disappear after this week, but can be revisited, added to and will hopefully help others find a way to do more than just repost.

First, here are some places I found that you can get informed and donate to:


In addition to countless projects and tons of information, this resource shares they are launching an Indigenous Youth Opportunities Program supplying grants towards helping with their initiatives in arts, music, sports, etc.

Indian Residential School Survivors Society

Provides a crisis line and counselling support to Residential School students and their families.

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

I learned a lot going through the residential school timeline on this site, and all the resources made available to teachers.

The First Nations Health Authority

An endless resource of health and wellness promotion

Second, here are Canadian, Indigenous owned businesses I look forward to supporting:

Raven Reads

A subscription box that sends you books written by an Indigenous authour, a letter from the author or box curator, a card teaching you about Indigenous culture and an art piece. *They have ones for adults AND kids!


Candles, body care and more! Their tea tree mint face scrub and foot treatment looks devine!

Indigo Arrows

You know I would feature some home decor - these pillows are blankets are GORGEOUS!!!

Manitobah Mukluks

I might need these slippers to be part of my maternity leave uniform!

Indigenous Face Masks

Buy a mask and they'll donate a mask - I am leaning towards the bear or moose...perhaps I will just get a 3 pack :)

I will finish off by featuring one local to me: Little Wolf and the Willow

There are so many beautiful pieces to choose from and I personally love simple necklaces for layering, so this is my favourite!


There are sssoooo many more amazing businesses - I highly encourage you to do some searching, I have no doubt you will find something that you love.

One thing that came out of this news was the realization for many that this is not part of "Canada's dark past" that we should all be moved on from. People who went to Residential Schools; abused, neglected and taken from their family, are still alive today. The last residential school closed in 1996...I was a care-free 7 year old playing with my friends and going home to loving parents every night. Others were not so lucky and it breaks my heart, especially now as a mother, that these children weren't just taken from their families, but were greatly mistreated as well. I do not know how it could ever be made right, but I do know that we need to come together and try to uplift the Indigenous community and their voices.

If you feel there is anything of value that should be added to this post, please contact me and I would be happy to add it.

Meredith Wolf

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